US and International Standards For Fiber Optics and
Premises Cabling
Note: This
list was assembled from a number of sources with various dates - we
doubt it is complete because they change all the time. A
full catalog of TIA specs is at
Learning More
About Standards and Codes
There are a
number of ways of finding out more about cabling standards. You can buy
a complete copy of the EIA/TIA or ISO/IEC standards which can be very
expensive and wade through page after page of standards language. You
can also get catalogs and/or visit the websites of a number of cabling
manufacturers who have extremely complete explanations of the standards
which have been created for their installers and end users. The second
method is the recommended one.
Other groups may
have fiber optic standards also: ANSI is the governing bodies for
standards in the US, NIST provides primary standards, IEEE has standards
for networks like Ethernet, IWCS has standards for cables, Telcordia has
standards for their telco members, many countries have their own
standards. There are probably more.
codes like NEC requires not only learning what codes cover but what
codes are applicable in the local area and who inspects installations.
Furthermore, codes change regularly, usually every 2-5 years, and
installers are required to keep up to date on the codes. Understand what
is required in the areas you do installations and know when the codes are
FOA Standards
In response to
complaints about the cost and meaning of many standards, FOA created its
own basic standards for some widely used tests and topics.
of all FOA standards
FOA Standard FOA-1:
Testing Loss of Installed Fiber Optic Cable Plant, (Insertion Loss, TIA
OFSTP-14, OFSTP-7, ISO/IEC 61280, ISO/IEC 14763, etc.) More
FOA Standard FOA-2:
Testing Loss of Fiber Optic Cables, Single Ended, (Insertion Loss,
TIA FOTP-171, OFSTP-7, , ISO/IEC 14763) More
FOA Standard FOA-3:
Measuring Optical Power (Transmitter and Receiver Power, FOTP-95, Numerous
ISO/IEC standards) More
FOA Standard FOA-4:
OTDR Testing of Fiber Optic Cable Plant (TIA FOTP-8/59/60/61/78, ISO/IEC
14763, etc.) More
FOA Standard FOA-7:
Mode Conditioning For Testing Multimode Fiber Optic Cables (Mandrel wrap,
encircled flux)
FOA Standard FOA-5
Fiber Optic Datalinks
FOA Standard FOA-6
Fiber Optic Cable Plant
US and
International Fiber Optic Standards
Installation Standards
TR-OFCS Optical fibres, cables and systems (3 July 2015)
Document Number SR-1421
Issue Number 07
Issue Date Jan 2023
TIA Fiber Optic Standards
These standards are under continual updating so it's unlikely this list
is ever fully up to date. Most were created by EIA standards committees
and transferred to TIA when the two organizations merged.
A full catalog of TIA specs is at
- TIA Fiber
Optic Test Procedures (FOTPs)
- (These are
commonly known as "FOTPs" but are officially called "TIA-455-x, e.g.
TIA-455-34 is FOTP-34. As they change continually, this list should
be considered for reference purposes only - see the TIA for a
catalog of the latest versions.)
- FOTP-1 - Cable
Flexing for Fiber Optic Interconnecting Devices (ANSI/TIA/EIA-455-
- FOTP-2 - Impact
Test Measurements for Fiber Optic Devices (ANSI/TIA/EIA-455-2-C- 98)
- FOTP-3 -
Temperature Cycling Effects on Optical Fiber Units, Optical Cable and
Other Passive Components
FOTP-4 - Fiber Optic Component Temperature Life Test
FOTP-5 - Humidity Test Procedure for Fiber Optic Components
FOTP-6 - Cable Retention Test Procedure for Fiber Optic
Interconnecting Devices
- FOTP-7 -
Numerical Aperture of Step-Index Multimode Fibers
FOTP-8 - Measurement of Splice or Connector Loss and Reflectance Using
- FOTP-10 -
Procedure for Measuring the Amount of Extractable Material in Coatings
Applied to Optical Fibers (withdrawn April, 1996)
FOTP-11 - Vibration Test Procedure for Fiber Optic Components and
FOTP-12 Fluid Immersion Test for Fiber Optic Components
FOTP-13 Visual and Mechanical Inspection of Fibers, Cables,
Connectors, and Other Devices
FOTP-14 - Fiber Optic Shock Test (Specified Pulse)
FOTP-15 - Altitude/Immersion of Fiber Optic Components
FOTP-16 - Salt Spray (Corrosion) Test for Fiber Optic Components
FOTP-17 Maintenance Aging of Fiber Optic Connectors and Terminated
Cable Assemblies
FOTP-18 Acceleration Testing for Components and Assemblies
FOTP-20 IEC 60793-1-46 Optical Fibres - Part 1-46: Measurement Methods
and Test Procedures - Monitoring of Changes in Optical Transmittance
FOTP-21 Mating Durability for Fiber Optic Interconnecting Devices
FOTP-22 Ambient Light Susceptibility of Components
FOTP-23 Air Leakage Testing for Fiber Optic Component Seals
FOTP-24 Water Peak Attenuation Measurement of Single-Mode Fibers
FOTP-25 - Repeated Impact Testing of Fiber Optic Cables and Cable
FOTP-26 Crush Resistance of Fiber Optic Interconnecting Devices
FOTP-27 Fiber Diameter Measurements
FOTP-28 - Measuring Dynamic Strength and Fatigue Parameters of Optical
Fibers by Tension
FOTP-29 Refractive Index Profile (Transverse Interference Method)
FOTP-30 - Frequency Domain Measurement of Multimode Optical Fiber
Information Transmission Capacity (withdrawn May, 2003, obsolete)
FOTP-31 - Proof Testing Optical Fibers by Tension (2004) (R 2005)
FOTP-32 - Fiber Optic Circuit Discontinuities
FOTP-33 Optical Fiber Cable Tensile Loading and Bending Test
FOTP-34 Interconnection Device Insertion Loss Test
FOTP-35 Fiber Optic Component Dust (Fine Sand) Test
FOTP-36 Twist Test for Connecting Devices
FOTP-37 - Low or High Temperature Bend Test for Fiber Optic Cable
(ANSI/TIA/EIA- 455-37-A-93) (R2000) (R 2005) - FOTP-38 Measurement of Fiber Strain in Cables under Tensile Load (expired)
FOTP-39 - Fiber Optic Cable Water Wicking Test
(ANSI/TIA/EIA-455-39B-99) (R 2005)
FOTP-40 Fluid Immersion, Cables
FOTP-41 Compressive Loading Resistance of Fiber Optic Cables
FOTP-42 Optical Crosstalk in Components
FOTP-43 Output Near Field Radiation Pattern Measurement of Optical
Waveguide Fibers
FOTP-44 Refractive Index Profile (Refracted Ray Method)
FOTP-45 Microscopic Method for Measuring Fiber Geometry of Optical
Waveguide Fibers
FOTP-46 Spectral Attenuation Measurement (Long Length Graded Index
Optical Fibers)
FOTP-47 Output Far Field Radiation Pattern Measurement
FOTP-48 - Measurement of Optical Fiber Cladding Diameter Using
Laser-Based Instruments (ANSI/TIA/EIA-455-48B-90) (R2000) (R 2005)
FOTP-49 Measurement for Gamma Irradiation Effects on Optical Fiber and
FOTP-50 Light Launch Conditions for Long- Length Graded-Index Optical
Fiber Spectral Attenuation
FOTP-50 Light Launch Conditions of Long- Length Graded-Index Optical
Fiber Spectral Attenuation Measurements
FOTP-51 Pulse Distortion Measurement of Multimode Glass Optical Fiber
Information Capacity
FOTP-53 Attenuation by Substitution Measurement for Multimode
Graded-Index Optical Fibers of Fiber Assemblies Used in Long Length
Communications Systems
FOTP-54 Mode Scrambler Requirements for Overfilled Launching
Conditions to Multimode Fibers (obsolete)
- FOTP-55 - Methods for Measuring the Coating Geometry of Optical Fibers
(withdrawn July, 2000)
FOTP-56 - Test Method for Evaluating Fungus Resistance of Optical
Waveguide Fiber
FOTP-56 - Test Method for Evaluating Fungus Resistance of Optical
Fiber and Cable (2004) (R 2005)
FOTP-57 - Preparation and Examination of Optical Fiber Endface for
Testing Purposes
FOTP-58 Core Diameter Measurements (Graded Index Fibers)
FOTP-59 Measurement of Fiber Point Defects Using an OTDR
FOTP-60 - Measurement of Fiber or Cable Length Using an OTDR
(superceded by TIA- 455-133-A)
FOTP-61 - Method for Measuring the Effects of Nuclear Thermal Blast on
Optical Waveguide FIber
FOTP-61 Measurement of Fiber or Cable Attenuation Using an OTDR
FOTP-62 IEC 60793-1-43 Measurement Methods and Test Procedures -
Numerical Aperture
FOTP-62 IEC 60793-1-47 Measurement Methods and Test Procedures -
Macrobending Loss
FOTP-63 Torsion Test for Optical Fiber
FOTP-64 Procedures for Measuring Radiation-Induced Attenuation in
Optical Fibers and Optical Cables
FOTP-65 Flexure Test for Optical Fiber
FOTP-66 Test Method for Measuring Relative Abrasion Resistance
FOTP-67 - Procedure for Assessing High Temperature Exposure Effects on
Optical Characteristics of Optical Fibers
FOTP-67 IEC 60793-1-51 Optical Fibres - Part 1-51: Measurement Methods
and Test Procedures - Dry Heat
FOTP-68 Optical Fiber Microbend Test Procedure
FOTP-69 - Test Procedure for Evaluating the Effect of Minimum and
Maximum Exposure Temperature on the Optical Performance of Optical
Fibers (ANSI/EIA/TIA-455-69A-91) (R2000)
FOTP-69 Test Procedure for Evaluating the Effect of Minimum and
Maximum Exposure Temperatures on the Optical Performance of Optical
FOTP-70 - Procedure for Assessing High Temperature Exposure Effects on
Mechanical Characteristics of Optical Fibers (superceded by
FOTP-71 - Procedure to Measure Temperature-Shock Effects on Fiber
Optic Components (ANSI/EIA/TIA-455-71-A-99)
FOTP-72 Procedure for Assessing Temperature and Humidity Cycling
Exposure Effects on Optical Characteristics of Optical Fibers
FOTP-73 Procedure for Assessing Temperature and Humidity Cycling
Exposure Effects on Mechanical Characteristics of Optical Fibers
FOTP-74 IEC 60793-1-53 Optical Fibres - Part 1-53: Measurement Methods
and Test Procedures - Water Immersion
FOTP-75 Fluid Immersion Aging Procedure for Optical Fiber Mechanical
FOTP-76 - Method of Measuring Dynamic Fatigue of Optical Fibers by
Tension (withdrawn July, 2000)
FOTP-77 - Procedures to Qualify a Higher- Order Mode Filter for
Measurements on Single-Mode Fiber (withdrawn May, 2003)
FOTP-78 IEC 60793-1-40 Optical Fibres - Part 1-40: Measurement Methods
and Test Procedures - Attenuation
OTDR (ANSI/TIA/EIA-455-8-2000)
FOTP-80 IEC 60793-1-44 Measurement Methods and Test Procedures -
Cut-off Wavelength
FOTP-81 - Compound Flow (Drip) Test for Filled Fiber Optic Cable
(ANSI/EIA/TIA- 455-81B-91) (R2000)
FOTP-82 - Fluid Penetration Test for Fluid-Blocked Fiber Optic Cable
FOTP-83 Cable to Interconnecting Device Axial Compressive Loading
FOTP-84 Jacket Self-Adhesion (Blocking) Test for Cables
FOTP-85 Fiber Optic Cable Twist Test
FOTP-86 Fiber Optic Cable Jacket Shrinkage
FOT'P-87 Fiber Optic Cable Knot Test
FOTP-88 Fiber Optic Cable Bend Test
FOTP-89 Fiber Optic Cable Jacket Elongation and Tensile Strength Test
FOTP-91 Fiber Optic Cable Twist-Bend Test
FOTP-92 - Optical Fiber Cladding Diameter by Frizeau Interferometry
(superceded by TIA-455-176-A)
FOTP-93 - Cladding Diameter by Non- Contacting Michelson
Interferometry (withdrawn July, 2000)
FOTP-94 Fiber Optic Cable Stuffing Tubing Compression
FOTP-95 - Absolute Optical Power Test for Optical Fibers and Cables
(ANSI/TIA/EIA- 455-95-A-2000) (R 2005)
FOTP-96 Fiber Optic Cable Long-Term Storage Temperature Test for
Extreme Environments
FOTP-98 Fiber Optic Cable External Freezing Test
FOTP-99 Gas Flame Test for Special Purpose Cable
- FOTP- I00 Gas
Leakage Test for Gas Blocked Cable
- FOTP- I01
Accelerated Oxygen Test
- FOTP-102 Water
Pressure Cycling
- FOTP-104 Fiber
Optic Cable Cyclic Flexing Test
- FOTP-106 -
Procedure for Measuring Near- Infrared Absorbance Coating Material
(withdrawn September, 2002)
- FOTP-107 –
Determination of Component Reflectance or Link/System Return Loss
Using a Loss Test Set (2004)
- FOTP-111 IEC
60793-1-34 Optical Fibres - Part 1-34: Measurement Methods and Test
Procedures - Fibre Curl
- FOTP-115
Spectral Attenuation Measurement of Step-Index Multimode Optical
- FOTP-119 -
Coating Geometry Measurement of Optical Fiber by Gray-Scale Analysis
(withdrawn July, 2000)
- FOTP-120 -
Modeling Spectral Attenuation on Optical Fiber (superceded by TIA-455-
- FOTP-122
Polarization Mode Dispersion Measurement for Single Mode Optical
Fibers by Stokes Parameter Evaluation
- FOTP-123 -
Measurement of Optical Fiber Ribbon Dimensions (ANSI/TIA/EIA-455-123-
2000) (R 2005)
- FOTP-124 -
Polarization-Mode Dispersion Measurement for Single-Mode Optical
Fibers by Interferometry Method (obsolete)
- FOTP-126 -
Spectral Characterization of LEDs (ANSI/TIA/EIA-455-126-2000)
- FOTP-127,
Spectral Characterization of Laser Diodes
- FOTP-130 -
Elevated Temperature Life Test for Laser Diodes (ANSI/TIA/EIA-455-130-
- FOTP-131 -
Measurement of Optical Fiber Ribbon Residual Twist (ANSI/TIA/EIA-455-
- FOTP-132 -
Measurement of the Effective Area of Single-Mode Optical Fiber
- FOTP-133-A IEC
60793-1-22 Measurement Methods and Test Procedures - Length
- FOTP-141 -
Twist Test for Optical Fiber Ribbons (ANSI/TIA/EIA-455-141-1999) (R
- FOTP-157 -
Measurement of Polarization Dependent (PDL) of Single-mode Fiber Optic
Components (ANSI/TIA/EIA-455-157-1995) (R2000)
- FOTP-158
Measurement of Breakaway Frictional Face in Fiber Optic Connector
Alignment Sleeves
- FOTP-160 IEC
60793-1-50 Optical Fibres - Part 1-50: Measurement Methods and Test
Procedures - Damp Heat (Steady State)
- FOTP-161 -
Procedure for Assessing Temperature and Humidity Exposure Effects on
Mechanical Characteristics of Optical Fibers (superceded by
- FOTP-162
Optical Fiber Cable Temperature-Humidity Cycling
- FOTP-164
Measurement of Mode Field Diameter by Far-Field Scanning (Single-mode)
- FOTP-165 -
Single-Mode Fiber Diameter by Near-Field Scanning Technique (withdrawn
July, 2000)
- FOTP-166
Transverse Offset Method
- FOTP-167 - Mode
Field Diameter Measurement - Variable Aperture Method in Far-Field
(withdrawn September, 2002)
- FOTP-168 -
Chromatic DIspersion Measurement of Multimode Graded-Index and
Single-mode Optical FIbers by SPectral Group Delay Measurement in the
Time Domain (superceded by TIA-175-B)
- FOTP-169 -
Chromatic Dispersion Measurement of SIngle-mode Optical Fibers by the
Phase-shift Method (superceded by TIA-455-175-B)
- FOTP-170 Cable
Cutoff Wavelength of Single-mode Fiber by Transmitted Power
- FOTP-171 -
Attenuation by Substitution Measurement for Short-Length Multimode
Graded-Index and Single-Mode Optical Fiber Cable Assemblies
(ANSI/TIA/EIA-455-171-A- 2001)
- FOTP-172 Flame
Resistance of Firewall Connector
- FOTP-173
Coating Geometry Measurement of Optical Fiber, Side-View Method
- FOTP-174 Mode
Field Diameter of Single-mode Fiber by Knife-Edge Scanning in
- FOTP-175 IEC
60793-1-42 Measurement Methods and Test Procedures - Chromatic
- FOTP-176-A IEC
60793-1-20 Measurement Methods and Test Procedures - Fibre Geometry
- FOTP- 177
Numerical Aperture Measurement of Graded-Index Fiber
- FOTP-178 IEC
60793-1-32 Optical Fibres - Part1-32: Measurement Methods and Test
Procedures - Coating Strippability
- FOTP- 179
Inspection of Cleaved Fiber End Faces by Interferometry
- FOTP-180 -
Measurement of the Optical Transfer Coefficients of a Passive
Branching Device (Coupler)
- FOTP-181 -
Lightning Damage Susceptibility Test for Fiber Optic Cables with
Metallic Components (ANSI/TIA/EIA-455-181-92) (R2001)
- FOTP-183 -
Hydrogen Effects on Optical Fiber Cable (ANSI/TIA/EIA-455-183-2000) (R
- FOTP-184 -
Coupling Proof Overload Test for Fiber Optic Interconnecting Devices
(ANSI/TIA/EIA-455-184-91) (R95) (R99)
- FOTP-185 -
Strength of Coupling Mechanism for Fiber Optic Interconnecting Devices
(ANSI/TIA/EIA-455-185-91) (R95) (R99)
- FOTP-186 -
Gauge Retention Force Measurement for Fiber Optic Components (2004)
- FOTP-187 -
Engagement and Separation Force Measurement of Fiber Optic Connector
Sets (2004)
- FOTP-188
Low-Temperature Testing for Components
- FOTP-189 Ozone
Exposure Test for Fiber Optic Components
- FOTP-190 Low
Air Pressure (High Altitude) Test for Components
- FOTP-191 IEC
60793-1-45 Optical Fibres - Part 1-45: Measurement Methods and Test
Procedures - Mode Field Diameter
- FOTP-193 -
Polarization Crosstalk Method For Polarization Maintaining Optical
Fiber And Components
- FOTP-194 -
Measurement of Fiber Pushback in Optical Connectors (ANSI/TIA/EIA-455-
- FOTP-195 IEC
60793-1-21 Optical Fibres - Part 1-21: Measurement Methods and Test
Procedures - Coating Geometry
- FOTP-196 -
Guideline for Polarization-Mode Meaurement in Single-Mode Fiber Optic
Components and Devices (ANSI/TIAEIA-455- 196-99)
- FOTP-197 -
Differential Group Delay Measurement of Single-mode Components and
Devices by the Differential Phase Shift Method
- FOTP-198
Measurement of Polarization Sensitivity of Single-Mode Fiber Optic
Components by Matrix Calculation Method
- FOTP-199
In-line Polarization Crosstalk Measurement Method for Polarization -
Maintaining Optical Fibers Components and Systems
- FOTP-200 -
Insertion Loss of Connectorized Polarization-Maintaining Fiber or
Polarizing Fiber Pigtailed Devices and Cable Assemblies
(ANSI/TIA/EIA-455-200- 2001)
- FOTP-201 -
Return Loss of Commercial Polarization - Maintaining Fiber or
Polarizing Fiber Pigtailed Devices and Cable Assemblies
(ANSI/TIA/EIA-455-201- 2001)
- FOTP-203 -
Launched Power Distribution Measurement Procedure for Graded-Index
Multimode Fiber Transmitters (ANSI/TIA/EIA-455-203-2001)
- FOTP-204 -
Measurement of Bandwidth on Multimode Fiber (ANSI/TIA/EIA-455-204-
- FOTP-206 - IEC
61290-1-1 Optical Fibre Amplifiers - Basic Specification Part 1-1:
Test Methods for Gain Parameters - Optical Spectrum Analyzer
(ANSI/TIA/EIA-455-206- 2000)
- FOTP-207 - IEC
61290-1-2 Optical Fibre Amplifiers - Basic Specification Part 102:
Test Methods for Gain Parameters - Electrical Spectrum Analyzer
- FOTP-208 - IEC
61290-1-3 Optical Fibre Amplifiers - Basic Specification Part 1-3:
Test Methods for Gain Parameters - Optical Power Meter
- FOTP-209 - IEC
61290-2-1 Optical Fibre Amplifiers - Basic Specification Part 2-1:
Test Methods for Optical Power Parameters - Optical Spectrum Analyzer
(ANSI/TIA/EIA- 455-209-2000)
- FOTP-210 - IEC
61290-2-2 Optical Fibre Amplifiers - Basic Specification Part 2-2:
Test Methods for Optical Power Parameters - Electrical Spectrum
Analyzer (ANSI/TIA/EIA-455-210-2000)
- FOTP-211 - IEC
61290-2-3 Optical Fibre Amplifiers - Basic Specification Part 2-3:
Test Methods for Optical Power Parameters - Optical Power Meter
(ANSI/TIA/EIA-455- 211-2000)
- FOTP-212 - IEC
61290-6-1 Optical Fibre Amplifiers - Basic Specification Part 6-1:
Test Methods for Pump Leakage Parameters - Optical Demultiplexer
(ANSI/TIA/EIA-455- 212-2000)
- FOTP-213 - IEC
61290-7-1: Optical Fibre Amplifiers - Basic Specification Part 7-1:
Test Methods for Out-of-Band Insertion Losses - Filtered Optical Power
Meter (ANSI/TIA/EIA-455-213-2000)
- FOTP-214 - IEC
61290-1 Optical Fibre Amplifiers - Part 1: Generic Specification (ANSI
- FOTP-218
Measurement of Endface Geometry of Optical Connectors
- FOTP-219
Multifiber Ferrule Endface Geometry Measurement
- FOTP-220 -
Differential Mode Delay Measurement of Multimode Fiber in the Time
Domain (superceded by TIA-455-220-A)
- FOTP-220
Measurement of Minimum Modal Bandwidth of Multimode Fiber Using
Differential Mode Delay
- FOTP-221 IEC
61290 - 5-1 Optical Fibre Amplifiers - Basic Specification - Part 5-
1: Test Method for Reflectance Parameters - Optical Spectrum Analyzer
- FOTP-222 IEC
61290-3 - Optical Fibre Amplifiers - Basic Specification - Part 3:
Test Methods for Noise Figure Parameters
- FOTP-223 IEC
61291-2 - Optical Fibre Amplifiers - Part 2: Digital Applications -
Performance Specification Template
- FOTP-224 IEC
61744 Calibration of Fibre Optic Chromatic Dispersion Test Sets
- FOTP-225 IEC
61745 End-Face Image Analysis Procedure for the Calibration of Optical
Fibre Geometry Test Sets
- FOTP-225 IEC
61745, Ed. 1.0 (1998-08): End Face Image Analysis Procedure for the
Calibration of Optical Fibre Geometry Test Sets
- FOTP-226 IEC
61746 Calibration of Optical Time-Domain Reflectometers (OTDR's)
- FOTP-227 IEC
61300-3-24 Fibre Optic Interconnecting Devices and Passive Components
- Basic Test and Measurement Procedures - Part 3-24: Examination and
Measurements - Keying Accuracy of Optical Connectors for Polarization
Maintaining Fibre
- FOTP-228
Relative Group Delay and Chromatic Dispersion Measurement of
Single-Mode Components and Devices by the Phase Shift Method
- FOTP-229 -
Optical Power Characterization
- FOTP-231 IEC
61315 Calibration of Fibre-Optic Power Meters
- FOTP-234 IEC
60793-1-52 Optical Fibres - Part 1-52: Measurement Methods and Test
Procedures - Change of Temperature
- FOTP-239 -
Fiber Optic Splice Loss Measurement Methods
Fiber System Test Procedures (OFSTPs)
OFSTP-2 - Effective
Transmitter Output Power Coupled into Single-Mode Fiber Optic Cable
OFSTP-3 - Fiber
Optic Terminal Equipment Receiver Sensitivity and Maximum Receiver Input
OFSTP-4 - Optical
Eye Pattern Measurement Procedure
Measurement of Optical Power Loss of Installed Single-Mode Fiber Cable
Plant (2003)
Measurement Of Single-Reflection Power Penalty For Fiber Optic Terminal
Jitter Tolerance Measurement
OFSTP-14 -
IEC-61280-4-1(2011) (This ISO/IEC document is written for fast MM networks
and may not be useful for other MM networks, so the prior version of
OFSTP-14 is still considered valid), Optical Power Loss Measurement of
Installed Multimode Fiber Cable Plant (1998) (r2003)
OFSTP-16 Jitter
Transfer Function Measurement
OFSTP-17 Output
Jitter Measurement
OFSTP-18 Systematic
Jitter Generation Measurement
OFSTP-19 - Optical
Signal-to-Noise Ratio Measurement Procedures for Dense Wavelength-Division
Multiplexed Systems (ANSI/TIA/EIA-526-19-2000)
OFSTP-27 Procedure
For System Level Temperature Cycle Endurance Test
IEC-61290-1-2: Basic Spec For Optical Fiber Amplifiers Test Methods Part
1: Test Methods For Gain Parameters - Sect. 2: Electrical Spectrum
Analyzer Test Method
IEC-61290-1-3: Basic Spec For Optical Fiber Amplifiers Test Methods Part
1: Test Methods For Gain Parameters - Sect. 3: Optical Power Meter Test
IEC-61290-2-1: Basic Specification For Optical Fibre Amplifiers Test
Methods - Part 2: Test Methods For Spectral Power Parameters - Section 2 -
Optical Spectrum Analyzer Test Method
Fiber Optic Connector Intermateability
Standards (FOCIS)
- FOCIS 1:
FOCIS 6: Panduit FJ
FOCIS 7: 3M Volition
FOCIS 8: Mini-MAC (Withdrawn)
FOCIS 9: Mini MPO (Withdrawn)
FOCIS 10: Lucent LC, LC/APC
FOCIS 12: Siecor/Amp MT-RJ
FOCIS 17: MU - FOCIS-18: MPO16
EIA-458-B Standard Optical Fiber Material Classes and Preferred Sizes
General Specification for Fiber Optic Cable
Sectional Specification for Fiber Optic Communication Cables for Outside
Aerial Use
Sectional Specification for Fiber Optic Communication Cables for
Underground and Buried Use
Sectional Specification for Fiber Optic Communication Cables for Indoor
Sectional Specification for Fiber Optic Communication Cables for Outside
Telephone Plant Use
Generic Specification for Fiber Optic Connectors
Sectional Specification for Type FSMA Connectors
Blank Detail Specification for Optical Fiber and Cable Type FSMA,
Environmental Category I EIA-475CBOO Blank Detail Specification Connector
Set for Optical Fiber and Cables Type FSMA, Environmental Category 11
Blank Detail Specification Connector Set for Optical Fiber and Cables Type
FSMA, Environmental Category III
Sectional Specification for Fiber Optic Connectors Type BFOC/2.5
Blank Detail Specification for Connector Set for Optical Fiber and Cables,
Type BFOC/2.5, Environmental Category I
Blank Detail Specification for Connector Set for Optical Fiber and Cables,
Type BFOC/2.5, Environmental Category 11
Blank Detail Specification for Connector Set for Optical Fiber and Cables,
Type BFOC/2.5, Environmental Category III
TIA TIA-4920000-B EN-Generic
Specification for Optical Fibers
TIA TIA-492A000-A EN-Sectional
Specification for Class Ia Graded-Index Multimode Optical Fibers
TIA TIA-492AA00-A EN-Blank Detail
Specification for Class Ia Graded-Index Multimode Optical Fibers
Specification for 62.5-µm Core Diameter/125-µm Cladding Diameter Class Ia
Graded-Index Multimode Optical Fibers
Specification for 50-µm Core Diameter/125-µm Cladding Diameter Class Ia
Graded-Index Multimode Optical Fibers
Specification for 850-nm Laser- Optimized 50-µm Core Diameter/125-µm
Cladding Diameter Class Ia Graded-Index Multimode Optical Fibers
Specification for 850-nm Laser- Optimized 50-µm Core Diameter/125-µm
Cladding Diameter Class la Graded-Index Multimode Optical Fibers Suitable
for Manufacturing OM4 Cabled Optical Fiber
TIA TIA-492C000 EN-Sectional
Specification for Class IVa Dispersion-Unshifed Single-Mode Optical Fibers
TIA TIA-492CA00 EN-Blank Detail
Specification for Class IVa Dispersion-Unshifted Single Mode Optical
Specification for Class IVa Dispersion-Unshifted Single-Mode Optical
Specification for Class IVa Dispersion-Unshifted Single-Mode Optical
Fibers with Low Water Peak
TIA TIA-492E000 EN-Sectional
Specification for Class IVd Nonzero-Dispersion Single-Mode Optical Fibers
for the 1550 nm Window
TIA TIA-492EA00 EN-Blank Detail
Specification for Class IVd Nonzero-Dispersion Single-Mode Optical Fiber
for the 1550 nm Window
Generic Specification for Field Portable Polishing Device for Preparation
Optical Fiber
Generic Specification for a Field Portable Optical Inspection Device,
Combined EIA-NECQ Specification
Sectional Specification for a Field Portable Optical Microscope for
Inspection of Optical Waveguide and Related Devices
Fiber Optic Graphic Symbols
Standard for Physical Location and Protection of Below-Ground Fiber Optic
Cable Plant
Color Coding of Fiber Optic Cables
IEC Standards
IEC/ISO Standards can be searched at
Standard Number
60793 Optical fibers
IEC 60794 Optical fiber cables
IEC 60869 Fiber optic attenuators
IEC 60874 Connectors
IEC 60875 Fiber optic branching devices
IEC 60876 Fiber optic spatial switches
IEC 61073 Splices for optical fibers and cables
IEC 61202 Fiber optic isolators
IEC 61274 Fiber optic adaptors
IEC 61280 Fiber optic communication subsystem
basic test procedures
IEC 61281 Fiber optic communication subsystems
IEC 61282 Fiber optic communication system design
IEC 61290 Optical amplifier test methods
IEC 61291 Optical amplifiers
IEC 61292 TRs Optical amplifiers technical reports
IEC 61300 Test and measurement
IEC 61313 Fiber optic passive components
IEC 61314 Fiber optic fan-outs
IEC 61315 Calibration of fibre-optic power meters
IEC 61751 Laser modules used for telecommunication
IEC 61753 Fiber optic interconnecting devices and
passive components performance standard
IEC 61754 Fiber optic connector interfaces
IEC 61755 Fiber optic connector optical interface
IEC 61756 Fiber management system
IEC 61757 Fiber optic sensors
IEC 61977 Fiber optic filters
IEC 61978 Fiber optic passive dispersion
IEC 62005 Reliability
IEC 62007 Semiconductor optoelectronic devices
IEC 62074 Fiber optic WDM devices
IEC 62077 Fiber optic circulators
IEC 62099 Fiber optic wavelength switches
IEC 62134 Fiber optic enclosures
IEC 62148 Fiber optic active components and
devices – Package and interface standards
IEC 62149 Fiber optic active components and
devices – Performance standards
IEC 62150 Fiber optic active components and
devices – Test and measurement procedures
IEC 62343 Dynamic modules
Cabling Standards
- TIA-568 is only
part of the structured cabling standards. It's a multi-part standard
itself and there are several more standards cover other areas of
- EIA/TIA 568:
The main standard document for structured cabling, usually referred to
as simply "568." Always check with manufacturers for the latest
- EIA/TIA 569:
Covers pathways and spaces. Defines the "telecom closet" or telecom
room as it is now called.
- EIA/TIA 570:
Residential cabling.
- EIA/TIA 606:
Cabling system administration (documentation)
- EIA/TIA 607:
Grounding and bonding
- International
- The
international equivalent of EIA/TIA 568 is ISO/IEC 11801. The
standards are written similarly to what has been done by TR 42. Here
are their relevant standards:
- ISO/IEC 11801 -
Cabling for customer premises - structured cabling similar to TIA 568
ISO/IEC 14763-1 - Administration, documentation - similar to TIA 606
14763-2 - Planning and Installation - similar to TIA 569
14763-3 - Testing optical fibre cabling - included in TIA 568
61935-1 - Testing copper cabling - included in TIA 568
Electrical Codes
For Cabling
The most important "standards" and the only ones that are legally
mandatory are the local building and electrical codes, such as the
US National Electrical Code (NEC.) The NEC is developed by the National
Fire Protection Assn. and covers all aspects of electrical and fire
safety. Article 800 of the NEC covers communication circuits, such as
telephone systems and outside wiring for fire and burglar alarm systems
and Article 770 covers fiber optics. All premises cabling must comply
with building and electrical codes applicable in your area. Below is a
listing of current NEC articles covering premises cabling.
NEC Articles Covering Cabling (US)
Chapter |
Article |
Topic |
6 |
640 |
Systems |
7 |
725 |
Signaling and Power-Limited Circuits |
7 |
760 |
Alarm Signaling Systems |
7 |
770 |
Fiber Cables and Raceways |
7 |
780 |
House" Wiring |
8 |
800 |
Circuits (Telephone and LAN) |
8 |
810 |
and TV Equipment |
8 |
820 |
Systems |
8 |
830 |
Broadband Systems |
Note: This
list was assembled from a number of sources with various dates - we
doubt it is complete because they change all the time. A
full catalog of TIA specs is at
- Standards
for premises cabling are described in the FOA
Reference Guide to Premises Cabling.
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More detailed information can be found on the FOA
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