July, 2005
Previous Issues: 6/05,
5/05, 4/05,
2/05, 01/05,
12/04, 10/04,
9/04, 8/04,
7/04, 6/04,
5/04, 4/04,
3/04, 1/04,
12/03, 11/03
10/03 9/03,
8/03, 7/03,
6/03, 3/03,
10/02 , 8/02,
Third Edition COMING
The third edition of The Fiber Optic Technicians
Manual will be available from Delmar around August,
2005. Use ISBN No. 1401896995 if you want to pre-order your copy.
The third edition is about
15% bigger, with new or updated material on most chapter subjects.
Following publication, the
CFOT Test will use the new edition, along with the new NECA/FOA-301
Installation Standard.
At the same time, a laboratory
manual with hands-on exercises will be available.
- FOA Starts New Project To
Investigate MM Fiber Bandwidth
- The FOA has become involved
with some new projects, including participation in several industry
standards committees. One topic seems to be on everybody's mind:
what is the bandwidth limitation of much of the installed multimode
fiber. Will it support networks like Gigabit Ethernt or 10GbE?
And to what distance.
- The FOA has decided to take
on a research project itself. We are purchasing a new bandwidth
tester for MM fiber and will be doing some of our own investigations.
We are interested in looking at legacy FDDI-grade 62.5/125 fiber
and 50/125 fiber that predates today's laser-optimized variety.
We want to see the effects of termination and splicing, and perhaps
the effects of offset launch cables.
- Interested in what some of todays
fibers look like? Go to "Tech
Topics" and download the file "MM
Fiber Bandwidth" (1.6 MB PDF File.)
- FOA CFOT Renewals Get Free
Copy of NECA/FOA Installation Standard
- Every CFOT will now receive
a free copy of NECA 301-2004, Installing
And Testing Fiber Optic Cables, produced by The FOA in
cooperation with NECA (The National Electrical Contractors Association).
This is an important reference document for defining the installation
and testing of fiber optic cable plants in a "neat and workmanlike
- The FOA feels this is such an
important document that we are giving a free copy (normally priced
at $15) to every active CFOT when they renew their active status.
- The FOA has also sent free copies
to all FOA-Approved schools. The new FOA CFOT exam to be used
after August, 2005, will include questions from the standard.
Schools should be including information from the standard in
their classes already.
Remember Our Suggestion
For A Duplex SFF Connector?
- Our suggestion was for a connector
compatible with a duplex LC, which has become the de facto connector
standard for high speed networking hardware.
- We had heard that several patchcord
manufacturers were offering a version of the dual LC with a single
body and strain relief, and here are photos to prove it. These
assemblies are made by Timbercom
of Lake Oswego, Oregon under the trade name "Armadillo."
They feature a hard shell around the connectors to protect the
fibers and a single push unlatches both connectors. They have
a dual SC version also.
- Power Monitor Uses Everything
But Wiring!
- How about a fiber optic power
monitor that transmits readings over wireless links? Oz
Optics offers a tiny inline monitor that can be read over
Bluetooth or WiFi wireless networks. It's similar in concept
to some designs of 15 years ago where a modem allowed a monitor
or remote OTDR to call a specified number to upload data or signal
alarms. But unlike that system which could call a phone number
anywhere in the world, this system requires the user to be within
a specified distance, about 10 m for Bluetooth and 100 m for
WiFi. However, if you have a tech in the neighborhood, they can
read the links to help troubleshoot problems without opening
any boxes. Pretty handy.
- Job Opening: Mobile Fiber
Optic Service Manager
- Are you looking for a challenge
in the Fiber Optic and Premises Network Markets? Do you have
what it takes to be an entrepreneur within a company? Are you
a "hands -on" type of person in the field? Diamond
USA is looking for a candidate that has proven field fiber optic
technician experience, strong industry knowledge, excellent customer
interaction skills, the ability to manage multiple jobs and assignments
and train employees and customers. The position will include
field support of installers and designers, certification of installers,
diagnostic and restoration of fiber optic data networks, and
provide field and market expertise to sales team. RCDD is a plus.
Pre-employment drug screening and MVR required. We offer competitive
salary with benefits, 401K.
- Please submit resume with salary
requirements to:
- Diamond USA, Human Resources
- 27 Industrial Ave.
- Chelmsford, MA 01824
- Fax: 978-256-6544 E-mail: hr@diausa.com
Another Interesting FTTP Website
Fiber Optic Communities of the United
States (FOCUS) is a non-profit
organization representing communities with optical fiber running
all the way to the home and business. Their site states:
"The unlimited capacity of fiber allows super high quality
voice, video and data services, plus applications like home security,
home automation, and videoconferencing. Residents and business
occupants of fiber optic communities find this state-of-the-art
technology makes possible great new advantages, such as distance
learning, telework, and telemedicine. The scalability,
security, reduced maintenance and extended life of fiber-to-the-premise
make it the most "future proof" of all communications
infrastructures. Complementary technologies, like in-home
wireless networks, also appear in many fiber communities to add
mobility and convenience. Fiber optic communities are located
across the United States in urban, suburban and rural settings.
Whether you are looking for a high-bandwidth home or seeking a
high-bandwidth environment for your business, the place to look
is a fiber optic community."
The FOCUS website has listings
of FTTP communities and promotes not only running fiber to the
home/business, but encourages homeowners to consider the advantages
of living in a FTTH community.
- FOA Again Sponsors NECA VDV
- The FOA is again sponsoring
the NECA VDV Conference, but it's been renamed The IBS Conference,
where IBS stands for Integrated Business Systems. IBS is not
to be confused with ITS, or information transport systems, the
new TLA (three letter acronym) BICSI is using. Obviously the
cabling industry is having an identity crisis.
- But the NECA show will include
technical sessions and exhibits on fiber optics and low voltage
cabling, and the FOA will be there. This year, it's in New Orleans,
September 17-20. See NECAshow.org
for details.
- Tech Puzzler
- What makes the MT-RJ or Optijack
different from connectors like the SC or LC?
- Answer
New Tech
Glass "Flow"? Is it really a liquid?
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
on General Topics and Testing
Fiber Or Copper? Making decisions,
overview and LANs
Happens When You Mate Mismatched MM Fibers?
FOA Website Expands To Support
Fiber Optic Educators
Instructors' Home Page And
New Online Train-The-Trainer Program
The FOA has always focused on creating better educational opportunities
in fiber optics - it's our charter: we're a non-profit educational
organization. We've done two things recently to expand that commitment
- both here on the FOA website.
We have over 120 schools and hundreds
of instructors teaching at those organizations, and we'll notify
them about these new web pages, but we invite any instructor interested
in fiber optics to dig in and use these pages too.
First, we've created a home page
for instructors where we'll cover topics just for them, like our
TTT program and resources just for instructors. It's at http://www.thefoa.org/instructors/index.html
Secondly, we've put our TTT seminar
online, in both PPT and PDF format at http://www.thefoa.org/instructors/index.html
- Our online TTT program is the
beginning of qualifying for the FOA CFOS/I Instructor Certification.
Soon we'll have the program set up for instructors to register
to begin qualifying for the certification.
- FOA Certification Top Choice
The FOA CFOT and CFOS programs continue to gain momentum in fiber
optics. Almost 15,000 CFOTs have been certified by over 120 schools
as the FOA completes its 10th year. Since our founding in July,
1995, we have dedicated ourselves to promoting fiber optics and
professionalism in fiber optics personnel, focusing on education
and certification. We are continuing to add new schools and more
CFOTs as users of fiber optics learn that a CFOT is the indication
of a professional, well-trained fiber optic technician. Now with
FTTH (fiber to the home) finally taking off, demand for CFOTs
is rising and schools are responding by expanding programs rapidly.
- The FOA now has approved programs
at 115+ organizations, welcoming new additions like the Joint
Apprenticeship and Training Committee of the International Brotherhood
of Electrical Workers, Corning Cable Systems for their installation
training programs and NASA's Goldstone Tracking Station. The
complete list of FOA-Approved schools is at http://www.thefoa.org/foa_aprv.htm.
New Tech Topics
- New PowerPoint Presentation
Introduces Fiber Optics
- The FOA has created a short
PowerPoint presentation that introduces you to fiber optics and
talks about job opportunities in the field. It was intended for
instructors to introdcue studnets to the field, but it's a good
introduction for anyone. It's about 3 meg file so it takes a
while to download and you need PowerPoint to view it. See http://www.thefoa.org/ppt/
How Optical Fiber Is Made
Singlemode Fiber Nomenclature
Plastic Optical Fibers (POF)
Wavelength-Division Multiplexing
Fiber Amplifiers
Fiber Optic Cable Jacket Color Codes
Effect Of Termination and Splicing on Bandwidth
- Fiber Optic Connector Intermateability Standards
Link Loss Budgets
for Fiber Optic LANs and Links
568 B.3 For Fiber Optics
Loss Should You Measure When Testing Fiber Optic Links?
Don't miss Eric Pearson's Newsletters
- with some tests on connectors.
New sections of "Lennie Lightwave's
Guide To Fiber Optics" covers loss
testing of fiber optic cables and OTDRs.
Your Name, CFOT - It pays to
The FOA encourages CFOTs to use
the logo on their business cards, letterhead, truck or van, etc.
and provides logo
files on this site for that purpose. But we are also asked
about how to use the CFOT or CFOS certifications. Easy, you can
refer to yourself as "Your Name, CFOT" or "Your
Name, CFOS/T" for example.
Feel free to use the logo and
designations to promote your achievements and professionalism!
Remember To Renew Your Certification
Remember to renew your FOA certification.
All current CFOTs have a ID Card with their certification data
and we keep a database of current CFOTs to answer inquiries regarding
your qualifications if needed. If you forgot to renew, use the
online application
form or the FOA
online store to renew NOW!
Want To Get FOA Email?
We have been asked if we could send the FOA newsletter by email
or post it on the website. We are looking into that and will definitely
get one started soon. When you renew your certification, you will
be asked if you are interested in email newsletters and if so,
you will be asked to give your email address for us to use in
a mailing list. If you want to get started now, send an email
to info@thefoa.org with the
subject "eMail List"
Note that The FOA never releases its mailing lists for any
use! Your data is always safe with us.
- To
Contact The FOA:
- The
Fiber Optic Association
- 1119 S Mission Road,
# 355
- Fallbrook, CA 92028
- Office Hours 10AM-5
PM Pacific Time
- Telephone: 760-451-3655
- Fax: 781-207-2421
- info@thefoa.org
- Officers and
- Board of Directors
- Jim
Hayes, President, Treasurer
- Eric Pearson, Director of Certification
- Tom Collins, Gateway Comm. College
- Van Ewert, AESA
- Bill Graham
- Karen Hayes
- FOA Staff:
Jim Hayes, newsletter, website editor
- Karen Hayes, Administration
- The FOA is managed under contract by:
- 1119 S Mission Road, # 355
- Fallbrook, CA 92028
- Telephone: 760-451-3655
- Fax: 781-207-2421
- email: info@vdvworks.com
- FOA Board of Advisors
Elias Awad, Clerk, Director of Education
Tony Beam
Dave Chaney
F. Douglas Elliot, Past President
William H. Graham
Jim Hayes, President, Treasurer
John Highhouse, Past President
Danny S. Lyall
Eric Y. Loytty
Bob Mason
Eric Pearson
Paul Rosenberg, Past President
Dan Silver
Richard James Smith
- Dominick Tamone
Tom Collins
- Van Ewert
Elias Awad
Want to write for the FOA
Newsletter? Send us articles,
news, anything you think might be interesting to the rest of the
to Top
to The FOA Home Page
(C)1999-2004, The Fiber Optic Association, Inc.
- Tech
Puzzler: The MT-RJ and
Optijack are plug-and-jack connectors, not two identical connectors
that mate with a mating adapter. It makes them harder to test
unless you use a OFSTP-14 Method C test.